...hope and happiness...
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Have you ever wanted something but you weren't old enough?
"Author Christina Champion has turned her family stories into a wonderfully educational children’s book. This vibrant picture book follows a cheerful little boy that knows a great deal about lizards. He shares his knowledge with readers and gives interesting facts about a variety of lizards throughout the story.
Every page includes a cute illustration that fits the story well. I especially loved the page where the Leopard Gecko was drawn and the anatomy was pointed out in a way that a child will be able to relate to. I also enjoyed how the narration and dialogue bubbles worked seamlessly together to tell a cohesive, engaging, and fun story.
This is a great kid's book for early readers as the language used throughout is perfect for young elementary school children. Younger children will also be glued to the pages as their parents read the story to them as there are a variety of cute animals throughout the book that they’ll adore. Noah’s Wild Birthday is a humorous, entertaining and educational children’s book that I would highly recommend to parents and teachers." -Literary Titan
"I can't wait to give this book to my Grandson for his birthday! He has a new pet Dorito, a baby crested gecko and I'm sure he will love this story and the great illustrations."
"What an adorable story. I love how it sweetly discusses emotions that all kids experience at some point. It sneakily includes educational facts without being 'boring!' "

"My grandson loved this story and all the great illustrations... I liked how Noah wanted to be responsible enough to have his dream pet!"
"...What I love about this story is that as a speech pathologist, I've worked with kids like Noah who focus on certain things often to the exclusion of others. These children can get marginalized socially, but Christina Champion makes Noah an endearing character whom you root for to get his heart's desire..."